
Thankful Thursdays: Autumn

Okay, so this is a new feature on my blog!  “Thankful Thursdays” is a time in which I want to share one or two things that I’m thankful for.  In a land of plenty it’s all too easy to forget to stop and be thankful for all we have.  It’s so important to reflect on all the blessings God has given us.

1 Chronicles 16:34 reminds me to, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”

Today I want to be thankful for Autumn.  This can be hard at times because, although I love Autumn, saying goodbye to summer time is a bitter-sweet thing.  On one hand, you have to say ‘good bye’ to long days and short nights, fresh seasonal fruits, flip flops, tank tops, and a general ‘laid back’ attitude.  On the other, you get to invite Autumn back into your life. That means crisp blue skies, apple orchards, pumpkin scented candles, hot tea, cozy flannels, and leather boots.

The Fall is also a great time to get back into a routine.  Whether that means getting to sleep earlier, working out in the morning, eating meals at set times, or whatever… I encourage you to make October the beginning (or continuation) of your healthy lifestyle routine!

For me, I’m trying to wake up earlier to do a quick workout and to do my devotions.  Even just a couple of times a week is a great start.  It doesn’t have to be an intense workout every morning, even just some light stretching can get you started on the right foot!  That, and a few Bible verses will motivate and encourage you!  It’s a great way to get up and get energized!!

I hope that this new season is a happy healthy one!!  How about you?  What is one thing you’re thankful for?


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