
NO Coffee Experiment!

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“You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy coffee and that’s pretty close.”

Over the summer I decided to cut out coffee. I realized how dependent I had become and I knew I just HAD to break the addiction. I went from drinking 4+ cups a day to drinking NONE for over a month. My original goal was go to 30 days without coffee… I ended up lasting 5 & a half weeks! So, what happened when I cut out my daily caffeine, you ask?

HEADACHES. The first 2 weeks were rough, and I relied on a lot of green & black tea to help me get through the withdrawal period. But something started to happen as time went on… the daily headaches I used to get (pretty consistently for years) started to subside! I began to feel energized by iced green tea in the morning. I sometimes skipped caffeine all together and opted for natural energy, like a green smoothie!

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Come week 3 I realized that I had not only become dependent on caffeine, but also on Ibuprofen to help combat those daily headaches. MAN! I didn’t even realize how much of an effect NOT having the Ibuprofen would effect me. The detox headaches were even worse than the ones I got from coffee. And unlike the caffeine headaches that would come and go, this was a consistent headache that lasted for days!

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My first mug of joe in over 5 weeks!

Thankfully, by the end of the month I was able to overcome all of these headaches and truly feel better. The next thing I knew, more than 5 weeks had past and I found myself craving a warm cup of coffee… not to subdue a headache, but simply because it was so tasty and comforting, I knew it would help me feel more alert and it really would be the perfect side to my cozy breakfast. Since I had already met my goal, I decided to go for it! Here’s the thing I’ve learned. Coffee (or Ibuprofen for that matter) is not inherently bad, it’s only when I become dependent on it that it becomes an issue. And maybe one day I’ll go on a coffee detox again, but for right now I’m going to enjoy my coffee now and then… it’s kind of essential, right?!

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How about you? What are your thoughts on coffee??



  • Reply Rach @ This Italian Family

    I have a heart condition that requires me to really control my caffeine & sugar intake so if I drink coffee, it’s always decaf. I remember when I first stopped drinking caffeine (my freshman year of college), it was really rough. But it made me really aware of how easily we can become dependent on things like that. Good for you for breaking the habit! And I’m glad you were able to enjoy a cuppa jo without any side effects! 🙂

    October 19, 2016 at 6:00 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks Rach! But I can’t lie, I ended up added in back!! I just love coffee SO much!! But you’re so right, doing this challenge has made me SO much more aware of how easily we become dependent on things!
      xoxo Cailee!

      November 2, 2016 at 3:39 pm
  • Reply Claire at My Pink & Green Life

    Oooo, breaking that coffee habit is tough! I was exactly like you during my freshman year of college–I’d drink 3-4 cups per day, every day, and I definitely got those headaches when I finally decided to stop. I’m so glad I can enjoy a mocha sometimes without feeling like I need it now, though. 🙂 Congrats on breaking the habit!

    October 20, 2016 at 2:51 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks Claire! Only… I’ve added it back!! I just loveeeee coffee too much to resist it!! But props to you babe!
      xoxo Cailee!

      November 2, 2016 at 3:38 pm
  • Reply Kristy from Southern In Law

    I’m not a huge coffee fan – but I do loveeeee tea! I can drink multiple cups of tea a day but coffee I only really have here and there!

    October 20, 2016 at 11:15 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      I love them both! Honestly I just love hot drinks! They’re so cozy and inviting! They feel like a hug in a cup! <3
      xoxo Cailee!

      November 2, 2016 at 3:37 pm

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