
Hello Healthy RESTAURANTS!

Happiness is… watching the waiter bring you your food at a restaurant.

I LOVE restaurants. There’s just something about eating out that makes me happy. Spending time with the ones I love, enjoying delicious food and making memories are just a few of the reasons I love going out to eat. Not having to do the dishes is a nice perk, too. When I moved to Charleston I realized that so many of the memories I had from Rhode Island revolved around food, specifically food at my favorite restaurants. I thought about the local Vietnamese place that my friends and I were OBSESSED with during college. I thought back to the Noodles restaurant where one of the waitresses always remembered my order (and still gets excited to see me when I go there!!). I thought about the coffee shop where I get my favorite tea, and the romantic restaurant overlooking the water (the one that Mitch and I really love). And when I look back on my 8 months in Charleston, some of my best memories are from the restaurants downtown. I remember the friends I shared those meals with and the good conversations we had.

FOOD is so much more than fuel… so today I want to share my top tips to eating out without ‘breaking the calorie bank’. I also want to share how I eat out on a restricted diet. I’m currently gluten free, but for the past 3 YEARS I was gluten, dairy, and soy free and I still managed to eat delicious food at fun restaurants.

When I came home to Rhode Island for Christmas break I ate at 13 restaurants in 10 days!!! That’s a bit excessive, but what can I say, I was on vacation?? While that may not have been the best for my wallet, I managed to do it without packing on the pounds.

Restaurants don’t have to be unhealthy. For me, I DON’T skip meals to save for a dinner out. Instead I eat normally all day (food is nourishment). I want to show up to dinner hungry, but not ravenous. Otherwise I won’t fully enjoy my delicious meal. I make sure to have veggies with every single dinner out. I’ll have some Thai curry on top of my garden salad, or a Greek salad with some gluten-free pizza, or a bowl of veggie-lentil soup at an Indian restaurant. I love it when there are colorful pictures of the tasty meals and appetizers. Speaking of appetizers, you can totoally blow your fat, sodium and calorie count (not to mention your wallet) on a tasty ‘pre-meal meal’, so why not skip those altogether? Unless you want a little ‘nime chow’ (fresh rolls) to get you started (good for you and not very pricey). I balance my day as I look forward to my night out, but I also balance my meal when I get there. That way I can save room for a little ice cream or dark chocolate when I get home!!

Regarding food intolerances, I’m blessed to live right outside of Providence, RI. While PVD is a small city, there are a TON of delicious ethnic restaurants all over the place. I love Thai, Indian & Mexican food because they have so many delicious gluten/dairy/soy free options! Rice noodles, coconut curries, veggie dishes, corn tacos, etc… YUM! Try something new and look forward to that moment when you spot your waiter waltzing towards your table. Mangia!

How about you? Do you love restaurant food as much as I do?!! What’s your favorite food to eat out?!


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