
Active April!


Exercise idea? Take your dog for a walk! She’ll be happy… and you’ll be fit! Win-Win!
Happy April everyone!!  The temperatures may be lagging behind a bit, but I’m so happy to say that it is officially ‘springtime’ 🙂  I am really excited for the new month!  In fact, I have a lot planned for the blog!  I’m bringing back some of my old favorites and also starting some new ones. Get ready for ‘Saturday Super foods’, ‘What I Ate Wednesdays’, and more specialty posts, as well!

At the beginning of every month I consider it a new chance to start fresh!  I like to set goals and make plans about how I can make the best use of the time.  Isaiah 43:18 reminds me to, “Forget the former things: do not dwell on the past.”  The turn of a new month is essentially a new beginning!

This month I’m starting a little something I’d like to call ‘Active April!’  I know this blog is mostly about eating well, but being active goes hand in hand… I mean it’s all about striking a healthy balance and nourishing your body, right?  Eating healthy makes you happy, and staying fit does, too!

So in honor of the new month, I’d like to pose a challenge… Let’s try to be active for at least 30 minutes everyday.  For the past 2 weeks or so, I’ve been using the elliptical.  I do it for about 30 minutes each day, and I love it!  There ARE those days when I really don’t feel like doing it, but honestly, there’s nothing like the feeling you get when you do.

During ‘Active April’ you don’t have to go running (if you hate that sorta thing), but try a new activity!  Maybe you already workout regularly, but try switching things up.  Are you into spinning?  Well, why not try a yoga class!  Already love Pilates?  How about trying aerobics?!  Whip out that workout DVD and dance it up ’90’s style’.  Ask your dog if he’d like to go for a walk…You KNOW he wants to!  Whatever you want… just do it for 30 minutes everyday!

Feeling sick one day?  Skip your workout for the day and get back into it tomorrow!  You guys know I’m all about listening to your body.  Even if you only get to workout a few times a week, that’s okay!   It’s PROGRESS, not perfection we’re going for!  Good luck!

Well, that’s my plan for April!  How about you?  Do you have any health or fitness plans or goals you could share?!  I’m all ears!


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