
Hello Healthy New Year!

2017!! Welcome to the New Year!! I don’t know about you guys, but I love new beginnings. At the start of every month I write down goals for the month ahead, and at the end of the month I look back to see which ones I’ve met. For the goals I haven’t met, I don’t get all sad and discouraged. I simply work on them again the next month. So while I love fresh starts, I don’t actually believe in Resolutions. They’re sometimes just TOO harsh. I rarely ever do anything major without first planning it out, thinking critically about it, weighing the pros and cons and planning for it. I believe in BABY STEPS.

Realistic goals are NOT about changing your life around 180 degrees, but rather taking small steps to get where you wanna be. These past few months I’ve been thinking about my goals for 2017. I’ve been thinking about my future internship, finishing up school, traveling, exploring, and where I want to take Hello Healthy Eating.

I’ve had this blog for years, but I’ve also had a pretty hard time keeping up with it, specifically over the past 2 semesters. School has been crazy busy… but I’ve finally finished up my busiest semesters (working + commuting kept my schedule really tight). And now that I’m switching to being a part time student, I have more time to focus on my passion.

This year I’m planning to blog more frequently. I have some fun trips planned this coming semester and over the summer and I can’t wait to take you along with me as I travel. Also, I’m planning to start VLOGGING!!! You guys, I’m so excited!! I’ve been wanting to vlog for a while now, and what better time to start?? I started filming yesterday and I’m hoping to have some videos up by the middle of January (I’m SO new to editing)!! If you guys have any topics you’d like to see me vlog about please let me know!!

Okay, so those are just a few of my 2017 plans! I’m so excited for this year and I hope you are too. How about you?? What are your plans?



  • Reply Kristy from Southern In Law

    How exciting that you’re planning to start vlogging! It sounds like 2017 is going to be an exciting year for you, girl!

    January 2, 2017 at 8:14 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks Kristy! I’m hoping to start posting them by Monday!!
      xoxo Cailee!

      January 13, 2017 at 3:07 am
  • Reply rachel @ athletic avocado

    Happy new year love! Can’t wait to see your vlogs ๐Ÿ™‚

    January 3, 2017 at 12:09 am
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks Rach!! I can’t wait to share them! Hoping to start posting them by Monday!!
      xoxo Cailee!

      January 13, 2017 at 3:08 am
  • Reply Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness

    YAY for a new year with new goals! I’m all about baby steps all the way too. Looking forward to your vlogs! I would love to start doing videos of recipe creation. I also have many other things on my goals list, I just have to kick this annoying cold & decide which things to work on tackling first! ๐Ÿ™‚

    January 5, 2017 at 5:55 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks so much Nicole! I can’t wait to share them!! And yay for new goals! I can’t wait to see ur recipe vids! I hope you feel better asap girl!!
      xoxo Cailee!

      January 13, 2017 at 3:09 am

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