
Hello Healthy Sleep

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)

Ohhhh, the joy of sleep!   We all do it, we all need it… and let’s be real, we all enjoy it!  Who doesn’t love to wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day?

The problem is… for so many of us, that just doesn’t happen… at least not regularly.  Instead of waking up feeling refreshed and ready, we moan and groan and hit the snooze button until we absolutely MUST get out of bed.

There’s a reason Starbucks is so packed in the AM.  Most of of us can’t get moving without a hit of caffeine.  We all live busy, hectic lives and unfortunately, sleep seems to get pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists after all the “more important” things get done.  Maybe it’s a paper you pushed off ’til last minute, or some laundry, or maybe you can’t decide what to wear the next day!  Maybe you just can’t put down your phone or your ipad or you just want to relax and watch a few minutes of TV!

Sleep seems to be of little importance in our modern society.  But actually, sleep is one of the most important and necessary gifts you can give yourself!  Did you know that sleep increases your lifespan?  And it actually improves the overall quality of your life.  Studies have shown that sleep helps to improve your memory which leads to increased creativity.  Whether you’re learning a new language or how to play piano, you’ll do better after a good night’s sleep.  You’ll probably be in a better mood, too.  Just think about how cranky a little child gets when it’s past his bedtime!  Nobody likes being around someone who is exhausted.  And sleep deprivation over time actually puts you at risk for depression.

Sleep helps to decrease inflammation which can help prevent heart disease.  Sleep helps to reduce stress.  In terms of eating right and weight loss, sleep is your new BFF!  Sleep actually helps you eat less overall and helps you feel more energized for the day.  Think about it, if you’re running on only 5 hours of sleep, your morning workout is likely NOT going to happen.  BUT, if you turn in early and wake up from a refreshing 8 hours of sleep, 6 AM doesn’t seem so torturous, after all.

Sleep may be something that is often overlooked, but in my opinion… it couldn’t be more important!!  (I think I feel a nap coming on…)

How about you? Do you get enough sleep?  Are you sleep deprived?!


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