
Hello Healthy Balanced Breakfasts!


“Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” -Moms everywhere


How many times have you heard that?  Probably 1,000.  But as busy college students who sometimes stay up later than we should, it’s all too easy to ‘forget’ about breakfast.  It’s not that we don’t  want it, its just that when given the opportunity to get a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning, we often skip the most important meal of the day!   We actually jump right into another crazy busy morning without any ‘fuel’ to get us started and keep us going!  We find ourselves grabbing something between classes or sadly waiting till lunch.  Well, I for one, am NOT about that!


I want to talk about the importance of having a BALANCED breakfast.  This means it should include protein, healthy carbohydrates and a bit of fat to keep you satisfied.


If I can make it to the cafeteria with enough time to spare, I have a variety of healthy options.  But some mornings I’m just not feeling it.  That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a quick, balanced breakfast back in the dorm, or even during my first period class.


Here are some simple, quick, balanced breakfast ideas that you can fix in a hurry, but will give you both energy and tummy love:


  • A fresh green smoothie (any recipe from my blog works!) and a small package of a nut based trail mix
  • Gluten free rice bread spread with almond butter and an apple
  • Plain instant oatmeal (try Bob’s Red Mill certified Gluten Free) with a chopped apple or a banana or with dried fruit and raw nuts
  • Flax crackers with peanut butter and a banana
  • Coconut milk yogurt with fresh fruit and granola

These are just a few of my favorites.  How about you?  What are your favorite 
‘balanced breakfasts on the go’?


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