
Stay Motivated!

“I really regret eating healthy today”… said no one ever.

Eating healthy makes you happy, right?? And it’s more than just a habit, a hobby, or even an obsession. Eating well has truly become a lifestyle for me. There are so many wonderful benefits to eating healthy, but there are also lots of opportunities to slip up and go back to old habits. We could all use a little encouragement from time to time. So today I want to share some of my own little suggestions (that really work)!! Here they are:

My Top 5 Tips to Staying Motivated and Eating Well!

  1. Choose nourishment– I’m all about that “eat better, not less” philosophy! My advice? Fill up on nourishing, whole foods. Eat fresh veggies and naturally sweet fruit in abundance. Don’t focus on restriction, but rather on treating your body in the best way possible!
  2. Be consistent– Learn to eat in a way that you could eat for the rest of your life. Can’t imagine a life without carbs?? Then DON’T restrict them for a week. Eating well MUST be a lifestyle change in order to maintain your healthy habits.
  3. Enjoy food– I eat SO SLOWLY it’s almost ridiculous. I try to convince my friends to do the same and when they do, they actually feel so much more satisfied! I never eat while standing up or multi-tasking. No, no. I sit down and enjoy the food in front of me (which makes me satisfied with the proper portions.)
  4. Skip the processed junk– I’m gluten, dairy and soy free because of food intolerances, so I’ve eaten this way for years. It’s crazy– I used to have SUCH a sweet tooth and now it’s gone!! I truly believe that when you stop eating processed junk foods your body actually stops craving them (but it doesn’t happen overnight!)
  5. Treat yo self– …that being said, life is too short not to treat yourself to that something special that you love. Every night I have “dark chocolate time” where I indulge in a small portion of organic dark chocolate and maybe a couple gluten/dairy free Oreos. This keeps me happy. It also prevents overeating throughout the day… I love having a treat to look forward to!

How about you? What keeps you motivated??



  • Reply Emily

    I think being consistent really helps me, because I tend to be way too ‘flighty’ about things like eating. And choosing food that will really fuel and nourish my body is something that I’m still learning! I love that about you Cailee. And I love how you balance out the skip the processed food with treat yo’self. 🙂

    February 28, 2017 at 3:01 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks so much Em!! I definitely am all about that healthy balance! Life is SOOO much better with a little treat!! It makes eating healthy fun!
      xoxo Cailee!

      March 2, 2017 at 3:41 pm
  • Reply rachel @ athletic avocado

    so agree with all of these especially consistency! That is key! thank you for sharing these <3

    February 28, 2017 at 10:36 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      Thanks love!! So glad you agree!
      xoxo Cailee!

      March 2, 2017 at 3:40 pm
  • Reply Kristy from Southern In Law

    These are such great tips! For me, healthy eating is just the way I live – and I think that’s because I have a balanced approach. I’ll eat a cupcake when I want and I eat chocolate every day so I never feel the need to “quit”.

    February 28, 2017 at 10:59 pm
    • Reply Cailee

      YES YES girl! Preach! All about that balanced lifestyle!! That’s the key to lasting success!
      xoxo Cailee!

      March 2, 2017 at 3:39 pm
  • Reply Liv @ Healthy Liv

    So true that it’s pretty hard to ever regret a day of healthy eating! Great tips and such a positive perspective as always, Cailee! I love having a small treat to look forward to at night, too, like a piece of super dark chocolate.

    March 3, 2017 at 5:00 am
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