There’s just something comforting about a big bowl full of carbs in the AM… BUT I’m not about to down a bunch of empty calories. So what’s a healthy gluten-free girl to do?? Cue my NEW healthy obsession… cereal! I recently discovered that Cheerios are Gluten Free! Say WHAT?! Finding a way to enjoy cereal- sans gluten and dairy- can be challenging… but I have a super simple solution.
I LOVE to fill a pretty bowl with one cup Cheerios, a handful of chopped grapes, plum, banana chunks (or any other fruit you have on hand) and a big cup of unsweetened almond milk (I LOVE ‘milk-y’ cereal). I top it with a sprinkle of cinnamon for some extra anti-oxidents which help regulate my blood sugar and add lower cholesterol. Cheerios have been a family favorite for over 70 years and are made with 100% natural whole grain oats. One cup has only 104 calories, 1.9 grams of fat, 0 grams of cholesterol, and 1.2 grams of sugar, and 3.4 grams of protein!
That same yummy bowl has 51% of your daily iron needs, 35% of Vitamin B-6, and 31% of B-12… not bad for a 100 calories! The fruit and almond milk adds extra nutrients, Vitamin D and Calcium!
While I stay away from processed foods the majority of the time, I’m all about balance and variety! So in the spirit of quick and easy, realistic and practical, sweet and satisfying breakfast options, Cheerios have officially made the cut!
This is seriously the PERF solution to AM carb cravings! I also usually have an egg on the side for some extra protein… and don’t forget the freshly brewed coffee with a splash of coconut creamer. The absolute best way to start the day!
Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! How about you?! What breakfasts have you been loving lately?
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