
What I Ate in a Day- Good Bye Summer!

Ahhh summer!  Who doesn’t love summer?  Sadly… it’s almost over!  Here is an example of what I ate one day, a lovely day, a lovely day at the end of the summer.  I love savoring seasonal summer flavors… and as excited as I am to welcome spaghetti squash, cranberries, and pumpkin back into my diet, it’s sad to say goodbye to fresh watermelon, sweet corn, and ripe red strawberries!  I hope you’ve enjoyed these treats as much as I have. Here’s my ‘menu’ for the day!
I LOVE savory breakfasts… I’m not a fan of sweets for ‘brekkie’ and you’ll rarely find me eating a plain bowl of cereal.  Instead, I prefer fresh fruit for my AM ‘sweet’.  This morning I had a bit of fresh watermelon to quench my thirst, alongside a piece of a leftover gluten free crepe that I got the day before at a local cafe with some friends!  I added a fresh scrambled egg, a bit more spinach, tomatoes and a sprinkle of feta cheese!  I ate this with some fresh carrots/baby tomatoes and hummus! YUM!
I made lunch for my dad and I around 1:30pm and opted for a fresh garden salad with lemon juice and a drizzle of balsamic reduction!  I also boiled up some sweet corn from the local farmers market with a bit of butter and a sprinkle of sea salt.  I ate a small baked potato with some light chicken salad (just canned chicken mixed with Greek yogurt… simple, healthy and delicious!)  I also enjoyed a fresh apple!
After lunch, I indulged in two squares of 85% dark chocolate to satisfy my sweet tooth while I watched some reruns of Downton Abbey with my dad!  It’s dark, decadent, delicious, and I love it SO much! YUM!  Later in the afternoon I snacked on an apple to keep me going ’til dinner… which I ate with my cousin and my grandparents in their lovely garden!  So pretty!
For dinner, I had a small piece of rotisserie chicken, a side of ripe green peas, and a small side of basmati rice.  I also had a little scoop of cranberry sauce… but I added that to my plate after I took the picture… Oops!
For dessert, we had fresh watermelon and pineapple with a bit of whipped cream!  So yummy!  I actually went back for a second helping of fruit because it was just so fresh and sweet! Gotta love fruit in the summer time!!  #naturescandy !!

How about you?!  What have you been eating as the summer comes to a close?  What’s your favorite summer fruit?!


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