Weight Loss

Weight Loss Wednesday- Realistic Goals!

These days, it seems like EVERYONE has the answer to how to lose weight.  Just google “how to lose weight” and you’re sure to find drastic (and unrealistic) plans that promise to take the weight off in no time!  …but did you know that 95% of diets fail?  Yep, that’s right, the majority of dieters who DO manage to shed some pounds unfortunately end up gaining it back!

As someone who has lost a considerable amount of weight, I can tell you that ‘quick fixes’ NEVER work… in fact, they often make you gain weight (TOO true!)  As a ‘weight loss veteran’, friends often ask me how to lose a few pounds.  I’ve realized there are a few things that are absolutely crucial in order to lose weight the healthy way, and (just as importantly) keep that weight off!

I’ve decided to introduce a new segment to my blog called, “Weight Loss Wednesdays!”  …We’re halfway through the week and somehow the weight loss/ healthy maintenance goals we made at the beginning of the week can seem like a thing of the past!  (‘Monday’s Motivation’ has worn off!)

Don’t get me wrong, this is not a post about how to lose weight the unhealthy way, or a post encouraging under-eating.  Rather, I’d like to share with you guys what I’ve learned over the past few years about how to REALLY lose weight and keep it off.  No gimmicks, no quick fixes, just REAL work and REAL results.

The first thing I always tell people when they’re trying to lose weight is– Never eat in a way you couldn’t do for the rest of your life.  If you can’t image eating ‘low-carb’ for the rest of your life… then don’t bother doing it for a week.  Real weight loss comes through baby steps and lasting lifestyle changes.  I’ve done low-carb diets and I’ll tell ya what, they work… for like a week!  Your body loses weight through sheer force and as your carbohydrate stores get low you begin to drop large amounts of water weight (and fast).  But what happens when you finally eat carbs again?!  Yep, you often regain the weight!  You overeat them because your body is starving (not to mention craving) carbs.  At least that’s how it works for many of us.

I love the TV show ‘The Biggest Loser’, but did you know that many of their contestants have left the show only to regain all the weight back?!  Talk about discouraging!! That’s because they approach certain foods as the ‘enemy’.  This unhealthy relationship with food causes fear and makes them feel “bad” if they eat “the wrong” food… this is NOT the way to do it!  Restrictive diets promote overeating.  In order to find balance and peace with food you cannot view foods as strictly “good” or “bad”… you need to find balance.

I am not Jillian Michaels.  I will NEVER advocate “tough love” when it comes to weight loss.  Instead, I’ll recommend REAL love.  If you really want to love your body, love your life and love the blessings God has given you, then you have to learn to eat in a way that nourishes your mind, body, soul and spirit.  Have you even noticed that when someone follows a “new diet” (crash diet) that’s the only thing they talk about?  They’re cranky, irritated and miserable!  That, my friends, is not the way to do it!  Dieting makes you sad, but eating healthy makes you happy!!

My holistic approach to weight loss is all about balance.  If you can’t imagine life without a sweet treat everyday… then don’t go with out one!  When I was losing my weight, I was eating a scoop of ice cream EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.  I wasn’t eating 2 scoops. I wasn’t mindlessly shoving snacks into my mouth. I was eating balanced meals, small portions, and (as always) saving room for a little treat every day!  I don’t advocate ‘cheat days’ or ‘cheat meals’… rather, today, for “Weight Loss Wednesday” I want to remind you it’s OKAY to eat a small portion of your favorite treats every day… and don’t consider it a “cheat” (that’s too negative for me!) it’s a “TREAT” thank you very much!

What you can’t do is overeat, stuff yourself, skip meals, eat too little or drastically restrict your food intake.  Weight loss is a slllloooowwww process!  In my opinion, the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to aim for a loss of a half to 1 pound a week!  More important than the number is learning to eat in a way that you can for the rest of your life!

So that’s my first tip for healthy weight loss!!  How about you?  Have you lost some weight?  How did YOU do it?!


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