
Thankful Thursdays: Gracious Words

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” -Proverbs 16:24
This is one of my favorite verses!  Considering today is Thankful Thursday, I wanted to focus on how thankful I am for “encouraging words.”  The Bible tells us that words can either destroy or build up others.  Why should we let our words hurt those around us when we can bring them happiness instead?

“Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.”  I love honey (especially raw organic honey)!  It sweetens my oatmeal and melts magically with peanut butter on a toasted slice of gluten free bread.  It gets stirred into chamomile tea and baked into chewy chocolate brownies.  Honey makes food sweet.  Honey makes life sweet!  Words that we say can do the very same thing!

I want to encourage you guys to be thankful for all the people you know who make life sweeter.  And you should challenge yourself to do the same for others!  Whether it’s encouraging someone who is trying to improve her eating habits or talking to an old friend who could use a ‘gracious’ word or two to lift her spirits.  Even perfect strangers will appreciate a kind word!

Take time today to be thankful… be a blessing to others!  Often times the purest source of fulfillment is found in serving others.  After all that’s what Jesus did!

What about you?  What are you thankful for?  What is the ‘sweetest’ thing you’ve heard today?


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